Free WHS Resources

Psychosocial Hazards

Codes of Practice

The Model Code of Practice: Managing psychosocial hazards at work – Safe Work Australia

QLD Code of Practice: Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work Code of Practice 2022 – Work Safe QLD

The Boland Report – Recommendation #2 was to ‘Make regulations dealing with psychological health’. This document is an interesting read if you would like further understanding of where the current regulations around psychosocial hazards originated.

Safe Work Australia’s Snapshot: Psychological health and safety in the workplace (February, 2024) – Data insights from 2021-22.


Assessing Psychosocial Hazards

The People at Work Survey – This is a free survey you can use to assess the most common psychosocial hazards in your workplace. It is a validated survey that will provide you with a useful report and resources to help you interpret it.

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland ‘Mentally Healthy Workplaces’

Workplace Supports

MATES in Construction – MATES is a charitable organisation established to reduce the rate of suicide in Australian construction workers.

Beyond Blue – Beyond Blue works with industries, workplaces and individuals to promote mentally health workplaces.

The Black Dog Institute – The Black Dog Institute offer workplace programs to leaders and employees to build better mental health at work.

Mentally Healthy Workplaces digital platform – A government-funded platform developed by the National Workplace Initiative and the Mentally Health Workplace Alliance. It is intended to be a ‘one stop shop’ for information and resources.

WHS Consultation
WHS Consultation Checklist – Safe Work Australia   This checklist is helpful for a person conducting a business or undertaking to help you make sure that you are consulting with workers effectively. This is a requirement by law as part of your WHS duties.

Safe Work Australia Infographic – How to Consult with Workers

Safe Work Australia (July 2023) Work health and safety consultation, cooperation and coordination Code of Practice   This code of practice is useful document that gives practical guidance on how to consult with your workers, contractors and agents involved in your workplace.

Manual Handling
Manual Handling Policy

Manual Handling Risk Factors Summary

Manual Handling Risk Assessment Form


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