Manual Handling of People

Manual handling of People (People handling) is an issue that affects a number of business.  It is a core business for business involved in healthcare, aged care, community care and disability care, but also affects more unexpected places such as airlines.  We are...

Train Workers in Relevant Techniques

This is a point that most workplaces I visit are starting to get, yet I still think it needs to be stated.  There is next to no point in sitting worker in front of a video about manual handling, or running a generic “one size fits all” course, and yet there are still...

People must want to change (2)

This is a continuation from my previous blog The Parent While this group is concerned with work, they also have a busy home life where others are reliant on them.  They need to be there and able to provide not only in a financial sense but also in interactions...

People must want to change

2. PEOPLE MUST WANT TO CHANGE One of the main problems with manual handling training is not in the quality of the training, but the fact that people simply don’t follow the message that is being delivered. And this is important, because even after we have set up...

Control the workplace first

….continuation from previous post – Effective Manual Handling 1.  Control the workplace first If you can avoid asking workers to bend, then you can avoid having to teach them how to.  This may be a tall order, but the principle is sound.  The single thing...

Effective Manual Handling Training

Why don’t people follow good manual handling advice? Most of us know have heard the basics of safe lifting techniques.  It’s the classic “bend your knees and keep your back straight” message, or a variation on the same theme.  But who actually does this?  In my...